assets.Content, assets.FontStyles}"/>
So, now all the pages will have the Border component and inherit the style. Plus, the style is easily managable for the designer at the component level.
When I started this blog (2004) it was to document Gentoo linux experiences and *nix adventures. Then it turned into posts regarding software development challenges and other findings. These days I mostly tweet (rollinsruss) and my posts are infrequent.
Heard a bit about Java Server Faces lately and I'm interested in investigating. At work I'm beginning a new project in Tapestry and am looking forward to really delving in.
So in searching out information on JSF, Raible Designs added some insight to the process of creating a JSF app.
xdiskusage is a great linux app to graphically mesaure your disk usage. Can be a bit lengthy to generate on a large disk, but it's quite useful to be able to drill down into the directory structure and view the numbers.
Bothering me that rox-filer default ctrl+n is set to Create New File. So, how to change it to Create New Directory? After scouring Google, #rox, and the mailing list I pieced together the information. You have to have ROX-Session running in order to edit the menu entries. I guess it's assumed in the Help that you do have ROX-Session running.
Of course, it would be nice to just have .roxrc or something equivelant...ROX Faq Keyboard Shortcuts
Finally found where to change the search highlight color in VIM. This was a great resource:
Simply added the following lines in my .vimrc:
hi Search ctermbg=LightBlue ctermfg=White
More info available in :help hlsearch