Friday, October 14, 2005

Ruby FileFinder now toast, gse-locate.el is in

I was really getting tired of my little Ruby file finder app due to the cost in performance. If anything else was running it became sluggish and was slow to start. I intended to write a replacement in C using a database, probably SQLite. I was already making plans and designing what I'd need to do. Then Norm suggested I use slocate. Conveniently, there are two Emacs lisp chunks that are already doing that! One is fff.el and the other is gse-locate.

First thing is to create a "locate" database. I wanted to index everything in /ext, so the command was "slocate -U /ext -o ext.files.db". I modified gse-locate to work in linux and the final code is:

;; gse-locate.el
;; Summary: Emacs front-end to 'locate'.
;; Author: Scott Evans
;; Home:
;; Time-stamp: <2004.12.22 23:20:59 gse>
;; Commentary:
;; A handy Emacs interface to 'locate'. Having this interface
;; around is great -- it gives you a one-step way to get around a
;; filesystem, and spend a lot less time navigating directory trees.
;; I lifted a lot of the major mode code from Steve Molitor's
;; rec-files.el (or at least from my modified version).
;; I spend most of my time in Windows now, and porting slocate to
;; Cygwin didn't go real well so I wrote my own simple 'locate'
;; replacement for Cygwin (see
;; Written for/using XEmacs on Windows. Changes are welcome.
;; Installation:
;; (require 'gse-locate)
;; and if you like:
;; (global-set-key '[f10] 'gse-locate)
;; Change Log
;; ----------
;; 2005.10.11 Modified to use locate and work in Linux -RR
;; 2004.01.18 Actually, -c is bad.
;; 2004.01.18 Use loc -c, take out backslash replacing.
;; 2004.01.18 Add gse-locate-execute-file.
;; 2004.01.18 Change to major mode with keybindings. Add some customization.
;; 2002.04.08 Created.

;; Unix (and native Cygwin) users can probably just set this
;; to "locate".
(defvar gse-locate-command "locate"
"*\"locate\" shell command. This will be used as an argument to
shell-command, with the search pattern concatenated to it.

This specified program should take a string (or regular expression, if
you intend to use them) as a parameter, and return a list of files to
stdout, one per line.")

(defvar gse-locate-hooks nil
"List of functions to call when entering gse-locate-mode")

(defvar gse-locate-regexp-list
(list "\\.elc"
"A list of regular expressions that match \"uninteresting\" filenames.
These will be stripped from the locate list before it is displayed.")


(defvar gse-locate-prev-wconfig nil)
(defvar gse-locate-buf nil)
(defvar gse-locate-history nil)


(defun gse-locate (pattern)
"Lightweight interface to locate. PATTERN is the string or regexp
that will be passed to locate (see gse-locate-command).

If exactly one file matches, it will be opened. Otherwise a list
of files will be presented (see gse-locate-mode)."
(read-from-minibuffer "locate pattern: " nil nil nil

(set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*locate*"))
(setq buffer-read-only nil)
(shell-command (concat gse-locate-command " -d /ext/ext.files.db " pattern) t)

;; Clean up stuff we don't want to see.
(let* ((i 0))
(while (< i (length gse-locate-regexp-list))
(let ((cur-regexp (nth i gse-locate-regexp-list)))
(goto-char (point-min))
(delete-matching-lines cur-regexp))
(setq i (+ i 1))))

(let ((number-matches (count-lines (point-min) (point-max))))
((= number-matches 0)
(message "No matches."))
((= number-matches 1)
;; One match. Open the file.
(find-file (buffer-substring
(goto-char (point-min))
;; Multiple matches.
(setq gse-locate-prev-wconfig (current-window-configuration))
(goto-char (point-min))
(switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))
(setq gse-locate-buf (current-buffer))


(defvar gse-locate-mode-map nil
"Keymap for gse-locate-mode.")

(if gse-locate-mode-map
(setq gse-locate-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
(define-key gse-locate-mode-map "v" 'gse-locate-select-this-window)
(define-key gse-locate-mode-map "\C-m" 'gse-locate-select-this-window)
(define-key gse-locate-mode-map "o" 'gse-locate-select-other-window)
(define-key gse-locate-mode-map " " 'next-line)
(define-key gse-locate-mode-map "n" 'next-line)
(define-key gse-locate-mode-map "p" 'previous-line)
(define-key gse-locate-mode-map "q" 'gse-locate-quit)
(define-key gse-locate-mode-map "1" 'gse-locate-select-1-window)
(define-key gse-locate-mode-map "?" 'describe-mode)

(when (functionp 'mswindows-shell-execute)
(define-key gse-locate-mode-map "X" 'gse-locate-execute-file))


(defun gse-locate-mode ()
"Lightweight major mode to select a file from \"locate\" output.

Special keys:
(setq major-mode 'gse-locate-mode)
(setq mode-name "Locate")
(use-local-map gse-locate-mode-map)
(setq truncate-lines t)
(setq buffer-read-only t)
(run-hooks 'gse-locate-hooks))


(defun gse-locate-current-file ()
(search-forward-regexp "$"))))


(defun gse-locate-find-file (file-name &optional find-function)
"Open file if it exists."
(when (not find-function)
(setq find-function 'find-file))

(if (file-exists-p file-name)
(funcall find-function file-name)
(error "%s%s%s" "File '" file-name "' does not exist!")))


(defun gse-locate-select-this-window ()
"Select this line's file in this window."
(gse-locate-find-file (gse-locate-current-file)))


(defun gse-locate-select-other-window ()
"Select this line's file in this window."
(gse-locate-find-file (gse-locate-current-file) 'find-file-other-window))


(defun gse-locate-select-1-window ()
"Select this line's buffer, alone, in full frame."
(gse-locate-find-file (gse-locate-current-file))
(bury-buffer (other-buffer))


(defun gse-locate-quit ()
"Close gse-locate buffer."
(let ((buf (get-buffer gse-locate-buf)))
(and buf (bury-buffer buf)))
(set-window-configuration gse-locate-prev-wconfig))


(defun gse-locate-execute-file ()
"Launch this line's file. Currently windows-only (and probably

(let ((file-name (gse-locate-current-file)))
(if (file-exists-p file-name)
(mswindows-shell-execute nil file-name)
(error "%s%s%s" "File '" file-name "' does not exist!"))))


(provide 'gse-locate)

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